What is Community Acupuncture? Community Acupuncture involves multiple people receiving sessions simultaneously in the same room. We do this to offer a lower cost solution to your health [...]
*********** NOW OPEN !!!! *********** What is Community Acupuncture? Community Acupuncture is done in a larger space, with multiple people receiving treatment in the same room. The [...]
I was on the airplane back from Austin, then I got this notion that I was to focus on the point “Ren 26”. I thought about this for a second, trying to remember where this point was [...]
***** (this came to me as I was doing a distance session with a dear old patient. Feel free to integrate or disregard based on how it lands within your being. Enjoy!) ***** Often [...]
Inflammation is a big topic right now. We’re learning how it has systemic effects on our body and complicates many conditions. It’s not just pain; even conditions such as COVID [...]
Acupuncture for Anxiety One of my favorite things to help patients with is their emotional conditions. This could be stress, anxiety, depression or PTSD. It really is amazing to see how people [...]
Hi all, The pandemic was hard for a lot of us, but hopefully there were some bright spots too. For me, it was very (very, very) hard to shut down both my Texas practice and not get started on my [...]
I’ve encountered the occasional worry that Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine would be against their religion. Let me first state that I’ve treated many religious patients who respond [...]
*********** NOW OPEN !!!! *********** What is Community Acupuncture? Community Acupuncture is done in a larger space, with multiple people receiving treatment in the same room. The [...]
I’ve now completed the first half of my 2 year Doctoral program. One of the major goals for the program is to have Acupuncturists ready to work collaboratively with conventional medicine [...]